Monday, February 13, 2006

Roger Rod - Torrance

Basic (0601)
(performed in closed position)
1&: Rock-back (Mon R, W on L feet) fwd
2: Smooth step to side (M to his L, W to her R)
3&: Rock-back (Mon L, W on R feet) fwd
4: Smooth step to side (M to his R, W to her L)
W’s Right Turn (0601)
(starts in closed position)
1&: Rock-back fwd (Mon R, W on L feet)
2: Smooth step to side (M to his L, W to her R). M leads up and toward W’s R on 2.
3&: M rocks-back on L, then fwd holding W’s R hand high. W crosses over w. L foot to make pivot turn to her R.
4: Smooth step to side (M to his R, W to her L)
W’s Left Turn w. Cross-Steps (0601)
(starts with M’s L hand holding W’s R hand)
1&: Rock-back fwd (Mon R, W on L feet). M leads up and toward W’s L on &, starting W’s spin L.
2: W completes full spin. M turns ¼ plus a little to his R. M&W now facing each other in open position.
3&4: M&W cross-step, ending in closed position (ready to do a basic step)
M’s Double Turn (0601)
(starts with M’s L hand holding W’s R hand; best as continuation from L Spin)
1& 2: M steps back lifting L hand on “&” and pivots L 1½ turns, lifting W’s R hand over his head to bring it down and hold it on his R waist on 2. Then M brings his R hand down over his L arm to hold W’s L hand near M’s L waist. M&W now side-by-side with W “cuddling” M.
3& 4: Step forward, turning to face each other on 4.
M’s Left Spin (0601)
(Starts in closed position)
1&2 : Both rock back on 1 (M’s lead is L hand push on 1). M steps fwd on &2 placing L foot between W’s feet next to W’s L foot.
3& 4: M steps back, pulling W into full spin L using strong lead with hand on W’s L shoulder blade. (ending ready for basic or to start M’s Double Turn).
M’s Wrap (0602)
(Entry from Left Spin)
1& 2: M spins L, holding L hand over head and R hand close to chest.
3& 4: M continues spinning L, catching W’s L hand with his R hand across his front, stopping fwd movement on 4 (side by side with W on M’s L).
M’s Unwrap to W’s Wrap (0602)
(starts in ending position of Wrap)
1-4: Rock-step fwd, then W steps backward as M makes ½ R turn to face W.
1& 2: M continues spinning R ½ turn (both hands held over head) to W’s left side (now wrapped side by side).
3&: Both rock back (M on R foot).
4: W steps fwd starting two full turns to her L with her R hand over head.
1& 2: M steps fwd beside W, bringing her R hand down on 2 (at end of W’s 1st turn) to waist level and catching W’s L hand with M’s R to start her wrap.
3& 4: M spins ½ turn to his L as W completes 2nd spin cuddled on M’s R side.
W’s Unwrap (0602)
1&: Rock-back (M’s L foot).
2, 3& 4: W steps fwd and spins 1 ¼ L under M’s L arm, as M brings W’s R hand to waist level and turns ¼ to R on 4.
1& 2: Peel away… M ½ turns R (W ½ turn L) catching W’s R hand with his L.3& 4: Rock back (M with R foot, W with L foot) and end in closed position.


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